Step 1:
Select the product
Step 2:
Select the size you wish to purchase
Step 3:
Select the quantity you wish to purchase
Step 4:
Click "Add to Cart"
Step 5:
Confirm your shopping cart and click "Checkout"
Step 6:
Fill in your shipping details and click "Continue to Shipping"
Step 7:
Click "Continue to Payment"
Step 8:
Scroll down and click "Complete Order"
If using Credit Card: | |
Step 9a: Type in your credit card details and click "Proceed' |
If using Online Banking: | |
Step 9b: If you're paying via online banking, select the bank you wish to use and click "Proceed". You'll be re-directed to your Bank's official page to make the payment. |
If using eWallet: | |
Step 9c: If you're paying via eWallet, select the eWallet you wish to use and click "Proceed". You'll be re-directed to your eWallet's official page to make the payment. |